Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Your AC
The air conditioning installation process is quite labor-intensive, especially if you want to finish it right. It’s not only important because it’s a very tedious process, but it can also affect the overall efficiency and lifespan of your AC. This is critical because a faulty system can be a money pit, and we don’t just mean financially. Below are some of the mistakes that you should avoid at all costs to increase your AC efficiency and lifespan:
Installing the Wrong Type of Equipment
You can spend a lot of money on a new air conditioning system, but it may not work correctly or efficiently if the wrong type of equipment is installed. For example, the air conditioner may constantly run, which will exhaust the compressor, or the ductwork may not be able to carry the right amount of refrigerant, which will eventually lead to a breakdown.
Insulating the Unit Without Considering the Needs of the Refrigerant
You must insulate your air conditioner unit appropriately to prevent heat loss, which will lead to lower efficiency. However, you also want to insulate it properly to prevent heat gain, likely leading to refrigerant leaks. In addition, you want to insulate your air conditioner correctly to avoid clogging and increasing your energy costs. However, you also want to insulate it correctly to avoid clogging, which will increase your energy costs.
Installing the Unit Without a Good Way to Drain It
You must install the drainpipes correctly, or else the condensation released during the air conditioner’s operation will leak into the ground, probably resulting in a long-term leak. You should also always install the drainpipes correctly so that the condensation that is released during the air conditioner’s operation will not leak into the ground.
Installing Inappropriate Drainpipes and Air Vents
You should install drainpipes and air vents that are designed to work with the specific model of the air conditioner that you have. In addition to that, you don’t want to put in drains that are too small and air vents that are too large. In this case, your system will work incorrectly, which will result in a longer lifespan for your equipment but, of course, a higher energy bill.
Best Mechanical in Elk Grove is the company you need for an air conditioning installation! If you need our services in Elk Grove, CA, you should call us at (916) 237-7605.